The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is “the source and summit” of our lives. The Eucharist is the highest form of worship we offer to God the Father, through the Son and in the Holy Spirit. In the Eucharist we encounter the crucified and risen Lord in the gathered people, in the ministries of priest and deacon, in the proclamation of the Word and in the great prayer of thanksgiving. In the Eucharistic Prayer, the Holy Spirit transforms our gifts of bread and wine and our lives into the Body and Blood of Christ. This great Sacrament nourishes us unto eternity and strengthens us for the work of peace and justice. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated each Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am; the Saturday Vigil Mass is at 5:00pm. Please check the bulletin and website for weekday and Holy Day schedules. Children preparing for the reception of First Eucharist do so through the Office of Faith Formation (607-432-3920, ext. 204.) |
A Sacrament of Healing The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a continuation through the Church of the healing ministry of Christ. The Sacrament should be requested by or for those members…
The Anointing of the Sick can be received more than once during the course of an illness for the healing and strengthening of the person.
The Last Rites The Last Rites of the Church for the dying are the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion, known as Viaticum, that is, “food for the journey”. These Sacraments should be requested as soon as it is evident that a person is dying and needs the grace and strength of Christ. To request the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, a pastoral visit, or for the Last Rites of the Church, call the parish at 607-432-3920. |
The Sacrament of Holy Orders is at the service of the People of God. Through this sacrament the high priesthood of Jesus Christ is made present in service, Word and charity. These aspects of the ministry of Jesus Christ nourish the people for the enrichment of the Kingdom of God. The Sacrament has three Orders: Deacons, Presbyters (Priests) and Bishops. The role of the Deacon as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles [Acts 6:1-7] is primarily one of charity and service. Deacons collaborate with the bishop and parish leadership and liturgically may preside over the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage outside of Mass and the Funeral Rites. Deacons are Catholic clergy who can be married. The Priest is a coworker with the Order of Bishops making present the bishop throughout a Diocese. The priest is commissioned to preach the Word of God and make Christ present in the celebration of the Sacraments. In collaboration with the rest of the People of God, the priest is responsible for spreading the Gospel, social outreach and the administration of the temporal goods of a parish. The Bishop is the Chief Shepherd and Priest in a local Church (Diocese). All bishops are equal in rank and dignity united as a college with the Bishop of Rome. They are the center of liturgical life in a diocese. Are you being called by Christ to serve as a Deacon or Priest? Visit |
The Sacrament of Marriage Saint Paul teaches, is a mystery, a sign of the bond between Christ and the Church. Marriage is a vocation and sign to the world of God’s love for all creation. The Church rejoices with men and women who come together in mutual love and respect to bless and recognize the goodness that God has begun in them. Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage