Water becomes a sign of hope for the Israelite people, for the woman at the well, and the church.
We find hope in the water of baptism. Each time we enter a church building we renew the hope of our baptism as we bless ourselves with the baptism water.
In a few weeks, we will welcome a group of Elect to join our community through the waters of baptism. They will receive the gift of the spirit and give us all hope as we celebrate the growth of the church through baptism.
In today’s gospel, Jesus meets a woman at the well. They are at the well midday, the hottest time of day. The woman seeks to avoid her neighbors so she goes to the well when she is sure she will be alone. She brings her water jug with her. She has lost contact with neighbors and her faith. Her hope has taken flight.
She meets Jesus and finds living water. She rushes to town to tell her neighbors about the hope she has found. She leaves behind her jug, for she will not need it anymore.
She is full of the joy of the spirit and must tell others.
Later the neighbors come to her and say:
“We no longer believe because of your word;
for we have heard for ourselves,
and we know that this is truly the savior of the world.”
This is how the word is spread. Person to person. We tell someone about Jesus and in time they don’t need our testimony they develop their own relationship with him.
The water of baptism, the water of hope, gives us a new life and cleanses us from our old life. Those who are baptized are presented with a new white garment, a sign of purity and a new life.
In the waters of baptism, we begin again and find hope. We renew this hope each time we come together to pray and praise. Just like Dickenson told us Hopr “asked a crumb - of me.”, we need to put in some effort and despair turns into hope.