Service Ministries

Service Ministries

Peace and Justice Ministries

Our Mission Statement
The St. Mary’s Peace and Justice Ministries strives to be a voice of justice within the parish. Our endeavors focus on raising awareness of issues arising locally, nationally, and internationally, and acting on those social issues. Our understanding of peace and justice is based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and the traditions of the Catholic Church. We seek to promote the recognition of the dignity of people, keeping in mind that  “peace is the fruit of daily care to see that each person lives in justice as God intends”  (Pope Paul VI).

Peace and Justice Ministries includes two subgroups: Hands Working for Christ and Action for Justice. Action for Justice focuses on advocacy and collaboration with our local officials to bring about social change. Hands Working for Christ provides more direct service to individuals and families in an attempt to meet basic needs. Both groups focus on local national and international needs. Parishioners are invited to be part of one or both groups.

Please contact the rectory at 607-432-3920 for more information about either group.

San Sebastian Parish, Retallhuleu, Guatemala

Our church is one of 14 parishes in the Albany Diocese participating in Pueblo to People, a project of accompaniment with a Sister Parish in Latin America. 

Through various efforts, St. Mary’s Peace and Justice Ministries supports local organizations including:  St. Mary’s Food Pantry, The Family Service Association, and Habitat for Humanity of Otsego County.  P&J also works with other organizations and people to supply winter clothing for those in need and school supplies at the beginning of the school year. 

 Holy Sews

St. Mary's Holy Sews is a group of volunteers who work together to provide handmade infant burial clothing for families who experience the loss of their baby due to a miscarriage or stillbirth. These babies are much too tiny and fragile for any other clothing that is readily available. We supply hospitals with layettes so they are on hand when needed. We are entirely funded by donations and all services are provided at absolutely no expense to the hospitals or families we serve. Our mission is "Mending hearts one stitch at a time".

Habitat for Humanity 

While building skills are appreciated, previous experience is not required. Please call the rectory for more information on our current Habitat project.

Funeral Hospitality

Funeral Hospitality Teams offer a welcoming reception to help comfort family and friends following a Funeral Mass. Christian hospitality reflects the generosity of Sarah and Abraham to the three strangers who approached their tent [Genesis 18:1-15] and the numerous times of hospitality that Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of Bethany offered to Jesus and his disciples [Luke 10:38 – 42].

Our hope is to ease the anxiety of a grieving family at a very stressful time in the spiritual journey as scripture teaches: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it” [Hebrews 13:2].

We currently have 4 teams of approximately 30 people. Each team has 2 coordinators, who solicit food and assistance setting up the gym, preparing and serving the food, and cleaning up when the meal is over.

Families are informed of the reception by the funeral director as well as our parish priest and staff.

Knights of Columbus, Hon. Joseph P. Molinari Council #4989

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization for Catholic men founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, CT. The organization was founded so that men could work together to serve their parishes and communities, protect the wellbeing of their Catholic families, and support each other in faith and in many other ways along life’s journey. Knights have the opportunity to grow in their faith through living the example of a charity that evangelizes and personifies what it means to be a Catholic gentleman through the practice of good works. Charity, unity, and fraternity are the principles on which the Knights of Columbus stands.                                                                                                                     

For more information about the Knights of Columbus, please contact the rectory at 607-432-3920, ext. 0 to leave a message for Council #4989 Grand Knight Christopher Cerosaletti.

The Knights of Columbus website is:

St. Mary’s Rosary Society

As members of St. Mary’s parish, we are the daughters, mothers, wives, and widows who desire to grow closer to Christ and one another through serving the parish and each other. As members of the Rosary Society, we are also connected to the larger church throughout the world. The rosary is prayed in every country and in every language. May the Mother of God continue to lead us to her Son, Jesus.

Meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month in the fall and the spring. Our focus is praying the Rosary together plus outreach to the sick and other local service ministries. We provide appropriate gifts and learning aids in May to the children who are making their First Holy Communion.

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