Adult Confirmation
Are you a baptized Catholic adult who has not been confirmed? Each year, many Catholic men and women of all ages present themselves for the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you are returning to the Church after time away, have been without a home base due to frequent moves or immigration, or have simply “slipped through the cracks", please contact the rectory at 607-432-3920 to speak with Fr. Chris Welch (ext. 4) or Kate Johnston (ext. 202) to reconnect and discuss the next steps in your faith life with us.
Youth Confirmation
In the United States, the local bishop determines the requirements for Confirmation. A young person requesting the Sacrament of Confirmation in any parish in the Diocese of Albany needs to:
For more information, please contact Faith Formation Coordinator Kate Johnston at 607-432-3920, ext. 202.
How should I choose a Confirmation sponsor?
The choice of a sponsor, though an honor for that person, is primarily a responsibility to walk with the candidate as they journey toward the reception of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation. Therefore, a sponsor:
Do I need to choose a Confirmation name?
You may choose an additional name for Confirmation or simply affirm your Baptismal name. If you choose a Confirmation name, it is usually the name of a Saint whose characteristics you desire to emulate and incorporate into your Christian life.