Faith Formation for Children & Families

Faith Formation for Children & Families

Faith Formation for Children (PK-5th grade)

The program A Family of Faith follows a four-year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism is covered per year from September through May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age-appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.

Each year is self-contained, and so families may join at any time in the cycle. After four years, families will have been guided through the entirety of the Catechism and will have developed a broad understanding of the Church's teachings. Families then cycle through the program again in order to deepen their knowledge and develop the habits needed for life-long spiritual growth.

Faith Formation for Middle and High School (6th-12th grades)

Following the same monthly themes as the younger program, middle and high school students will also assist with the younger classes, building relationships within the parish and putting their own faith into practice. Service hours are also available; please contact Faith Formation Coordinator Kate Johnston at 607-432-3920, ext. 202.

Year Two: The Sacraments

September: The Role of Parents in Education

October: What Is a Sacrament?

November: Created in God's Image

December: Confirmation

January: The Eucharist, The Mass

February: Sacraments of Healing

March: Anointing of the Sick

April: Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony 

May: Sacraments Jeopardy

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