Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

The Liturgical Ministries of the Church are extensions of the ministry of Christ who “came not to be served but to serve others…” [Matthew 20:28].  All parishioners are invited to consider and present themselves for all liturgical ministries.  The only restriction is that Eucharistic Ministers must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

To inquire about any of these ministries, please speak to one of our Sacristans or call the main office of the Church at 607-432-3920, ext. 0.

Eucharistic Ministers, along with the priest and deacon, distribute Holy Communion to the people.  Eucharistic Ministers also volunteer to bring Communion to the area healthcare facilities (Fox Hospital, nursing and adult care homes) and to the sick and homebound.   A commitment of two years is requested which can be renewed. Training and preparation are provided.

Lectors:   The Office of Lector is to feed the people with the Word of God by proclaiming it during the Eucharistic Liturgy, the Liturgy of the Hours, and other liturgical services.  A commitment of two years is requested which can be renewed.  Training and preparation are provided.

Altar Servers:   Adult and youth servers assist the presiding priest and deacon during liturgical rites.  For example, servers: lead processions with incense, cross and candles; hold the Sacramentary for the priest to pray; and assist in setting the altar for the liturgy of the Eucharist. This ministry is not limited to children.  Training and preparation are provided.

Greeters/Ushers:   The Letter to the Hebrews exhorts, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” [Hebrews 13:2]  The passage refers to the story of Abraham and Sarah found in Genesis 18:1-15 when they entertained three strangers who were the presence of God.  These Ministers of Hospitality welcome and assist parishioners and guests who gather for liturgical services.  To ensure a pleasant experience for everyone in the assembly, they welcome and assist people in seating, direct them to restrooms, or answer other questions.  They take up the collection which supports the work of our parish and they take a weekly count of the assembly for planning purposes.  They are also present as the people depart to open doors and distribute bulletins or other handouts.

Sacristans prepare the church for Sunday worship (Saturday Vigil and Sunday morning).  This includes lighting, microphones, candles, preparing the credence table for Communion, and checking that ministers have arrived for services.  A commitment of two years is requested which can be renewed.

Prayer and Worship Committee:  The Prayer and Worship Committee sets the vision for the liturgical life of the parish.  This is accomplished through planning liturgical services such as Evening Prayer, Parish Retreats, and other prayer experiences.  To ensure the integrity of the liturgy and the active participation of the people, the committee is also responsible for the formation and training of liturgical ministers.  Do you have a background in music or liturgy? Please prayerfully consider requesting to be on this committee. 

Art and Environment: This committee is responsible for preparing our worship space for the liturgical seasons through the use of flowers, banners, art and other preparations.  If you have a talent for decorating and creating beauty in the environment, please consider volunteering for this ministry.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (during Sunday 10:30 AM Eucharist):  Children’s Liturgy of the Word presents the readings and psalms that the adult community hears but in words adapted to be age-appropriate and relevant to children.  The children also gradually learn to put forth their own prayers and needs before God in the Universal Prayers (Intercessions).  This simultaneous Liturgy of the Word is led by trained and prepared teams of parishioners.  A commitment of two years is requested which can be renewed.  Training and preparation, including Safe Environment Training, is provided.  As a parent, guardian, or adult parishioner, might you consider leading our children in prayer?

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